Thanks to the recent strikes in Tollywood, actor Sonu Sood is comfortably parked in Hyderabad for a few days. Currently in town to shoot for five pending Telugu projects, the actor has a chockabloc schedule. But what excites him the most is the prospect of sharing screen space with the Big B himself. The much-talked-about Puri Jagannath Hindi film, "Buddha". With the movie set to take-off in February, for the first time Sonu will be playing a cop. "This has been long over-due," says the actor about playing cop. "Every successful actor has at some point in his career played a police officer. Once you play cop, you've arrived. I'm sure "Buddha" is going to be significant for my career," says the actor.
So, how does he think Puri will fare in his debut Hindi venture? "I've known Puri for the longest time. We made " Super" and " Ek Niranjan" together and he always wanted to do a Hindi film with me. When he was ready with a script and approached me, I agreed immediately. Puri is a great director and also a fantastic writer. His dialogues are total paisa-vasool. I agreed without looking at the script. As a film-maker Puri is very aware of what kind of Hindi cinema is being made. And "Buddha" is completely set in Mumbai. I'm confident that he can retain the flavour of the place in the film."
Source URL:, how does he think Puri will fare in his debut Hindi venture? "I've known Puri for the longest time. We made " Super" and " Ek Niranjan" together and he always wanted to do a Hindi film with me. When he was ready with a script and approached me, I agreed immediately. Puri is a great director and also a fantastic writer. His dialogues are total paisa-vasool. I agreed without looking at the script. As a film-maker Puri is very aware of what kind of Hindi cinema is being made. And "Buddha" is completely set in Mumbai. I'm confident that he can retain the flavour of the place in the film."
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