Producer Ramesh Puppala, who had made ‘Mirapakay’ on the banner of Yellow Flowers under the direction of Harish Shankar with Raviteja, Richa Bandhopadhyay and Deeksha Seth in the lead, had announced that their film had collected a record Rs 17,02,37,000 in the first week after its release and remained on the top among all the films that were released during this Sankranti season.
This is an all-time record among all the films in Raviteja’s career. Our hero is going to celebrate his birthday on January 26 and we are expressing our hearty gratitude to the hero for giving such a massive hit for our banner.
Not only collecting over Rs 17 crore in the first week, the film is running with houseful crowds in all the centres where the film was released even in the second week and is getting ready to create many more records. We are very happy at the outcome of the film.
Source URL: is an all-time record among all the films in Raviteja’s career. Our hero is going to celebrate his birthday on January 26 and we are expressing our hearty gratitude to the hero for giving such a massive hit for our banner.
Not only collecting over Rs 17 crore in the first week, the film is running with houseful crowds in all the centres where the film was released even in the second week and is getting ready to create many more records. We are very happy at the outcome of the film.
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